screening in 2022

Why is a gastroscopy done and how to choose the best clinic for treatment?

A gastroscopy test is to examine your throat, food pipe, stomach, and the upper part of the digestive system. This is also known as upper GI endoscopy. This method employs a long, thin flexible tube with a tiny camera and a light attached at one end. This equipment is passed into the mouth and reaches your stomach by way of the throat and food pipe. This method is used by gastroscopy clinic and hospitals to remove tissue and treat some ulcer conditions.

This method is used to treat a number of problems, including

  • Narrow food pipes cause pain during swallowing.
  • Bleeding inside stomach
  • Remove growth
  • Unable to eat normally
  • Check for cancer cells.

Gastroscopy procedure

You have to diet for 6 hours before the test, and be able to have a sip of water. Sedation is provided for relaxation before the session begins. The gastroscopy may take 15 to 45 minutes. After the test, you need to stay in the hospital for a few hours to make sure there are no abnormalities.

The equipment is inserted through your mouth. Here, your mouth is covered with a mouthpiece to protect your teeth and mouth. The camera on the tube locates the abnormalities and helps to do a biopsy, and the sample is removed from the wall for lab testing to find any cancer infection.

When the test is over, you may find an uncomfortable like a numb feeling in your throat and sometimes air pumps from the stomach, which helps to feel good in that condition. The patients are allowed to be safe in the recovery room to become conscious after sedation when there are no receivers or family members present to discharge the patient, and then the patient is discharged from the gastroscopy clinic after 12 hours of the test period.

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